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Liquidity : A significant portion of RUBY tokens, approximately 92%, is allocated to providing liquidity on the Uniswap decentralized exchange. This liquidity ensures that Ruby is readily available for trading, enabling users to easily acquire or exchange the token.
Marketing Team Support : A small percentage, 2% of Ruby tokens, is allocated to the marketing team. This allocation is essential for promoting and growing the Ruby ecosystem, attracting users, developers, and contributors.
Cex Listings : Ruby tokens are allocated for potential listings on centralized exchanges (Cex) to increase accessibility and liquidity. Approximately 2% of Ruby tokens are reserved for this purpose.
Supply Bridge : Ruby tokens are allocated for use in cross-chain interoperability and bridging with other blockchain networks. This allocation, amounting to 2% of the total supply, enables Ruby to be used seamlessly on various blockchain platforms.
Partnerships : Ruby tokens are set aside to facilitate partnerships and collaborations with other projects, platforms, and organizations. This allocation, representing 2% of the total supply, is instrumental in expanding the utility and reach of Ruby.
The distribution of Ruby Coin across various purposes, including liquidity provision, marketing, partnerships, and interoperability, highlights its role in facilitating a robust and dynamic blockchain ecosystem. As Ruby Blockchain continues to evolve, Ruby remains at the heart of its operations, driving innovation and expanding its reach across the blockchain landscape.